New to SAFe for Government?
Empower your agency with Agile ways of working
SAFe® is designed to help leaders new to Agile at scale deliver value continuously, efficiently, and predictably. You’ll gain the tools and mindset to build a better future state with a strong foundation for agility, empowering teams and clarifying responsibilities, and leading cultural change.

Typical results reported by government organizations using SAFe®
Explore how government agencies are succeeding with SAFe

U.S. Airforce and Northrop Grumman – Using SAFe® and DevSecOps for Agile
Unprecedented communication between contractor, government, and stakeholders in a large acquisition.

Dutch Tax and Customs Administration – Benefits of Implementing SAFe® for Government
Faster, more predictable delivery transforms legacy culture at Dutch government agency.

CMS – Approach to Scaling Agile Using SAFe®
Federal agency shifts from maintenance mode to modernization; help desk tickets drop 55%.
Resources to learn more about SAFe for Government
Motivations for Implementing SAFe
Leaders from DHS, FBI, and NASA discuss their motivations for choosing SAFe.
Why Government Needs Brave Leaders
Chris James, CEO of Scaled Agile talks about the importance of change leadership for reaching agility at scale.
Building Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems with SAFe
How to embrace Lean-Agile Development for large systems in government.
Looking for more useful resources?

Cynthia Ferreira
Government Strategic Advisor

Rob Patrick
Enterprise Solutions – Government

Mike White
Government Account Executive