2023 March Launch

Introducing SAFe® 6.0 and SAFe® Studio

Build resiliency and enhance your transformation with the latest evolution of SAFe®

SAFe 6.0

The newest version of the Scaled Agile Framework® and guidance

The marketplace is always changing, and your customers’ expectations are changing with it.

Organizations need a Lean-Agile mindset to meet these changing demands. They must also organize people and work around the accelerated flow of value. But how?

SAFe 6.0 has guidance to help your organization meet these evolving demands:

SAFe 6.0
SAFe Studio graph

SAFe® Studio

The new platform to learn, practice, and manage SAFe daily

Managing organizational change isn’t easy. How do you translate SAFe guidance into execution? How do you help employees across the enterprise adopt a different way of working? 

To simplify the switch to Agile, you need a platform built with the enterprise in mind. SAFe® Studio will include:

More on-demand learning options

  • Online, self-guided learning modules
  • Easily digestible pieces of information
  • Collaboration with the global community of SAFe professionals

Curated information and role-specific tools

  • Intelligent Framework articles
  • Content playlists based on employee interests and roles

Enterprise-centric features

  • Enterprise-generated playlists and resources for even more relevant experiences
  • Growth Recommendation integration to track progress
  • Localization for a global workforce
  • Enterprise-grade functionality and security

Expanded Partner Finder

There are over 500 partners worldwide with in-depth SAFe expertise. The expanded partner finder has additional search functionality to find partners that can support your organization’s specific needs.

Enhanced Filtering

Filter partners by their specific SAFe capabilities, which are verified SAFe activities that a partner has delivered in the field. Be more informed when deciding which SAFe Partners to engage.

Enhanced Listings

  • The Platform Partner listing has been enhanced to see, at-a-glance, what types of tools, software, or platforms partners offer to help you achieve your business goals and visualize the flow of work
  • Listings for Transformation Partners now offer more in-depth information about experience in the field, customer success stories, company metrics, and upcoming SAFe classes so that you can determine the right partner for you in one place
Scaled Agile partner finder webpage