2023 November Product Launch

Introducing new products to help you plan, fund, empower, and accelerate your organization’s future

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Solution-level features to help you simplify your PI Planning and PI execution across multiple ARTs

  • Plan and execute your PI in a single application with piplanning.io
  • Manage and track cross-ART dependencies with the unique and simplified Solution Board view
  • Minimize distractions when presenting and discussing your objectives, risks, and capacity with the plan readout overview

Lean Portfolio Management

Exciting developments and a new Participatory Budgeting application to help you fund a new way of working

  • Formulate strategic themes with the updated Strategic Themes article
  • Gain a new understanding of Enterprise portfolio management with the updated Enterprise article
  • Understand key VMO people interactions and responsibilities in the new Value Management Office article
  • Simplify participatory budgeting with SAFe CoFund, a powerful application that lets you inform value stream funding collaboratively

It’s all about people

Ways to help you empower your people


Guidance to help you accelerate your business with the future of Agile

  • Foster a deeper understanding of what you need to do to improve flow in your domain with the Coaching Flow article
  • Learn the anatomy of a decision and the four options associated with it in the new Decentralize Decision-Making article
  • Develop and apply the skills you need to be successful in your career as a SAFe® professional with micro-credentials